Extraction of Strong Periodic Time Frequency Characteristics and Regression Model for High-Speed Railway Track-Vehicle System
ID:53 Submission ID:94 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2024-10-23 10:47:41 Hits:143 Oral Presentation

Start Time:2024-11-02 08:30 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[P3] Parallel Session 3 » [P3-2] Parallel Session 3(November 2 AM)

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In the process of evaluating the line status using vehicle dynamic response, to address the issue of significant differences in the acceleration response of different high-speed trains under the same track irregularity excitation conditions, a lightweight regression model was constructed to normalize car body acceleration inspection data. Firstly, analyze and extract the periodic characteristics of track geometry and car body acceleration through VMD algorithm. Secondly, using energy distribution, determine the strong correlation between periodic vertical acceleration of car body and track geometry. Finally, a lightweight regression model is constructed to normalize the measured acceleration data of different types of inspection vehicles. The results show that for different comprehensive inspection vehicles, the normalized vertical acceleration of the car body is at the same level.
Vertical acceleration of the car body; Periodic feature extraction; Variational Mode Decomposition; Inspection differences; normalization
assistant researcher Infrastructure Inspection Research Institute, China Academy of Railway Sciences Corporation Limited

Submission Author
TaoKai Infrastructure Inspection Research Institute; China Academy of Railway Sciences Corporation Limited
GuoJIanfeng Infrastructure Inspection Research Institute; China Academy of Railway Sciences Corporation Limited
YangJinsong Infrastructure Inspection Research Institute; China Academy of Railway Sciences Corporation Limited
ShaoQi Infrastructure Inspection Research Institute; China Academy of Railway Sciences Corporation Limited
PengNan Infrastructure Inspection Research Institute, China Academy of Railway Sciences Corporation Limited
LiuJinzhao Infrastructure Inspection Research Institute; China Academy of Railway Sciences Corporation Limited
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