Numerical Simulation on Magnetic Field Distribution of Three-cells PEMFC Stack
ID:3 Submission ID:140 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2024-10-23 11:18:36 Hits:212 Oral Presentation

Start Time:2024-11-02 10:50 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[P4] Parallel Session 4 » [P4-2] Parallel Session 4(November 2 AM)

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As an environmentally friendly energy conversion device, proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) is confronted with the challenges of durability and reliability. Recently, some studies have shown that magnetic field of PEMFC stack has the potential for non-destructive performance detection, ensuring its reliability and durability. Nevertheless, these studies focus on experimental analysis and lack a theoretical basis with simulation analysis. In this paper, a three-dimensional, multi-component, multi-physical field PEMFC stack model is established for the purpose of studying the magnetic field distribution inside the stack. The reliability of model results is verified by experimental data, then the correspondence among the excited magnetic field and its reactants and current density is illustrated. By simulating different faulty states of PEMFC stack, we investigate the corresponding relationship between the change of magnetic field amplitude and internal state of PEMFC stack. This allows us to reveal the performance drop mechanism of PEMFC stack and to provide a theoretical basis for the subsequent detection and diagnosis of PEMFC stack using its magnetic field.
Proton exchange membrane fuel cell stack,,model simulation,magnetic field
Postdoc University of Science and Technology of China

Submission Author
Tangxiawei University of Science and Technology
SunYuning University of Science and Technology of China
LiuZhongyong University of Science and Technology of China
毛磊 中国科学技术大学
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