Design of ZYNQ-based airborne flight data acquisition unit
ID:166 Submission ID:158 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2024-10-23 10:02:36 Hits:147 Poster Presentation

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The airborne flight data acquisition unit, as a vital component of the aircraft, is utilized to gather and record vital flight data encompassing key parameters like the aircraft's flight and unit status information. This data serves as crucial support for subsequent aircraft state estimations, performance tests, and fault diagnostics. In the reality of increasing types and data volumes of airborne data buses, the existing airborne data acquisition units have uneven performance in terms of airborne bus types, online processing capabilities, storage performance, and offloading speed, which limits the scope of use of related products. Therefore, they need to have the characteristics of multi bus, fast processing, and large capacity.  In order to collect the flight data accurately and completely, this paper presents the design of an airborne data acquisition unit. The acquisition unit adopts Zynq SoC with model ZU4EV as the processor, which has powerful computing power. And it can collect flight data from RS-232, RS-422, and 1553B interfaces, while using PCIe-based M.2 interface to store and analyze the data to the onboard SSD with large capacity, and using Ethernet interface to offload the data. Interface testing, data path functionality and performance testing have demonstrated that the airborne data acquisition unit can not only achieve the functions of collecting, analyzing, storing, and offloading flight data, but also ensure the accuracy and completeness of the flight data.
zynq, airborne, data acquisition unit
student Harbin Institute Of Technology

Submission Author
荣贵伍 Harbin Institute Of Technology
YilinLiu Harbin Institute of Technology
WangBenKuan Harbin Institute of Technology
刘大同 哈尔滨工业大学
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