A directional time-frequency distribution instantaneous frequency estimation algorithm based on improved dynamic programming algorithm
ID:149 Submission ID:90 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2024-10-23 10:02:35 Hits:149 Poster Presentation

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When the potential time-frequency distribution is affected by signal components crossing each other in the time-frequency domain, time-frequency-based instantaneous frequency estimation algorithms cannot achieve the expected performance. This article uses a general linear chirplet transform to obtain a more concentrated time-frequency representation of energy, and develops a variant of the dynamic programming algorithm that utilizes the direction and amplitude of signal components to estimate the instantaneous frequency of intersecting components, thus solving the above problem.

chirplet,direction,Crossing,Penalty function
student University of Jinan

Submission Author
HuangYu University of Jinan
YuGang University of Jinan
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