Hardware Design of Industrial Field High-Reliability Data Recorder
ID:122 Submission ID:30 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2024-10-23 10:00:24 Hits:126 Poster Presentation

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The current development trend of electronic and electrical systems in the industrial field employs digitized and intelligent techniques. With the rise of data-driven fault diagnosis and health management methods, the value of historical system runtime data is increasingly drawing the attention of researchers. Digital communication methods, such as various industrial field buses, are commonly used between the subsystems or devices of a complex industrial system, so the field bus data could contain important information about the whole system. To address these requirements, this paper proposes a data recorder capable of real-time recording the field bus data, CAN data, and Modbus TCP/IP data in particular, in an industrial environment. Utilizing general EMC design, it can accurately and reliably record bus data in the complex electromagnetic environments of industrial sites, providing essential data support for subsequent fault diagnosis and health management.
Data Recorder,EMC Design,CAN,Modbus TCP/IP
associate professor Harbin Institute of Technology;School of Electronics and Information Engineering

Submission Author
ZhouJialin Harbin Institute of Technology
YangJian No. 703 Research Institute of CSSC
WangYan No. 703 Research Institute of CSSC
QiaoJiaqing Harbin Institute of Technology;School of Electronics and Information Engineering
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